Have your passwords been leaked?

Nov 11, 2021

Data breaches happen more often than we know.

Your passwords to different websites are often stolen and available to hackers on the internet.

There is a website that lets you check this; it is called Have I Been Pwned. It lets you check whether your personal data has been compromised by a data breach. It is a free resource, just enter your email address and the website will check your information against known data breaches. Hopefully, you are going to see that everything is fine, if not you are going to be informed about the breaches that impacted you. In this case, it means that the security of your account was compromised on these sites. The biggest issue with this is that your password is now out in the wild and available online. Hackers commonly find your leaked passwords and then check to see if they work on other websites you may use. This is yet another reason why using a password manager is so important.

Check to see if you have leaked passwords at Have I Been Pwned.  www.haveibeenpwned.com

Bitwarden is a free password manager that we highly recommend. You can sign up at www.bitwarden.com

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